Monday, June 9, 2014

New York...Day 2

Katie was so wonderful to take a few days off of work to hang with us.  I am directionally challenged, so it was nice to have a local to show me the ropes.  Our first stop was Central Park.  Trev was in awe of the big playground.  He ran around for a few minutes and then pointed to the rocks and said "I climb rocks".  So up we went.
I made him pose for a few pictures with the promise of a snow cone thinking he would forget. soon as I clicked a few shots he said "Snow cone time Mama" off we went.  We sat in the shade and he devoured that thing....and half of Katie's popcorn as well...
We started to head over to the carousel.  It took us a little longer than anticipated because we had to stop several times to collect sticks. 
 When we finally got there, I let Trevie hold the money to pay for our rides.  And then we hopped on and I tried not to get too dizzy while taking a million photos.
 Whoa doggies Katie....Must.  Get.  Perfect.  Picture!
We did a little bit more walking and watched some street performers.  Then Trev assed out in the stroller which gave us time for a nice relaxing lunch...  
 And the best Bloody Mary's....
Claaawwww fingers!
 Trev slept the entire lunch time and when he finally woke up, he had pancakes waiting for him.  His request before he fell asleep.
And who can forget the glorious "Bubble Man" picture of Katie from my 2013 trip.
We found a new bubble man and Trev was more than happy to volunteer his services.
 We did some skateboarding on benches....
 And tickle fights....
 I think Trev won this round...
 Another Katie picture favorite from the 2013 trip...Brobee face
..which was replaced this trip by baby skateboard.
Cupcake "Chris" Sprules and Dada met up with us and we all watched Trev play in the sand for awhile.
 ..and go down the coolest slide that we seem to have missed the last time we were in Central Park.
 After Jason went down with him, Trev threw an attitude.  Apparently, he wanted to go down by himself.
 Pouty face Magoo
 Casually strolling pic
 Then we headed over to the boat house to ride the row boats.  The line was crazy so we decided to partake in some refreshments instead.
 Trev sat and did his sticker book.  There are a few cupcake stickers in that book which is why I think he is entertained so long by that thing.
 The line finally died down so we hopped on some row boats.  I am sooo glad we did!  It was so pretty rowing around Central Park.  
 Row boat photo bomb
 Trev started getting a little antsy so we headed back.  Walking to dinner, J had to show off his sweet moves.
We were trying FOREVER to find a restaurant to eat at....we finally decided to eat at one right next to our hotel.  No big deal, but it was the same restaurant I had seen TOM BURGERON at the night before.  You of AFHV and DWTS?  Not impressed?  Well I was!  Too bad I was too chicken the night before to ask for his picture.  There was no one in the restaurant when we went which was great so we had plenty of space to entertain Trev.
 Oh I just love my martini buddy!!!
 Cheers to another great day in the big apple!  Shout out to Cupcake posing with the stroller in this pic and Trev cheers-ing my martini with his monkey.