Thursday, June 11, 2015

New York...Part 1

After being on a plane for 5+ hours, the kids were ready to get some energy out.  We landed in the evening but it was still light outside, so we headed to Central Park.  The weather was beautiful and the kids enjoyed running around...(yes, Trevin sported his I love NY shirt..such a tourist!)
Trevin quickly found some sticks and a rock to bang together while screaming some song.  I'm sure the surrounding people loved the loud noises he was making.
We couldn't leave Central Park without climbing on the rocks.
 Monkey on the monkey bars
 Doing a grind...
 We ate a quick dinner and then headed for the lights of Times Square.  Teresa was in awe!  "Have you guys ever seen this many buildings or lights?"
Trevin was in a mood.  I wouldn't buy him a huge thing of M&M's at the M&M store because I am trying to give him less sugar (good luck with that).  So he was mad and crying.  Looks like I will have to also teach him that he doesn't always get what he wants.
 I know Grandma desperately wanted to buy the boy whatever he wanted, but she held back as well.  Instead, she did some Grandma comforting.  Ryden, of course, was an angel and just looked at the lights the whole time.
Eventually, Trevin shaped up his attitude and enjoyed the lights...
 Teresa was still in awe....
 Thanks Jason...I just got done saying how I wanted Trevin to chill on sugar and not get every thing he whines for.  Dada wins...
We walked around a little more and ended up by the NBC studios where SNL is filmed.  It is also where the big Christmas tree is during the winter.  We headed down to the outside bar (where the ice rink is in the winter) for a "night-cap".
 By this time, I had to bust out the ipads before Trevin had a complete melt down.
 We got to enjoy our martini's and then headed back to the hotel.  It's good to be back in New York and this time, share the experience with Teresa.