Sunday, June 14, 2015

New York...Part 2

Out of all of the places I have taken the kids to while we are in New York, they seem to always remember Toys R Us.  So, of course, we headed there the next day.  Teresa was skeptical at first because, after all, we have thousands of Toys R Us stores in California.  When we arrived and she saw the huge ferris wheel, she understood.

After, we decided to head to Central Park again since it was a beautiful day.  Walking proved to be a little to much for Ryden.  We only had one stroller, so we improvised...
 Trevin finally had enough of sharing the stroller with his bro and decided to strut around Central Park instead.
I was smart this year and brought bathing suits for the boys instead of making them run around in their underwear like last year.  They LOVED the water part of the park..
 One kid had filled up a bucket of water and poured it down the slide.  The boys loved this because it made the slide super slippery.  I loved taking pictures of them dismounting at the end...
Whoa doggies...
They could've stayed at this park all day, but Teresa and I were melting and hungry.  So we dried them off, got dressed, and headed to the boat house for some lunch.
 We made a few pit stops on the way.  We had to ride on the carousel (I didn't get any pictures).  Trevin played skateboards while we waited for our turn.
 Next, we got sidetracked at the fountain.  The boys hit up Grandma for all of her change.  Trevin made sure he wished really hard...and then tossed his money in.
 More money please..
 We were pretty tired from truckin' all over Central Park, so we headed back to the hotel and took it easy until it was time to meet up for dinner.  Cousin Katie and Cupcake were able to meet up with us as well.  Yay!!!
 My martini buddy...reunited and it feels so good...
 The boys were awesome during dinner, but Trev started getting a little restless towards the end.  Time to hit the hay...what a fun..long day.
 Snuggle bucket...he got the whole bed to himself since brother was having a slumber party in Grandma's room.