Tuesday, June 23, 2015

New York...Part 6

I have been dying to walk the Brooklyn bridge, and Ryden was dying to ride the subway.  So Katie met us at our hotel for a day of fun.  A quick Starbucks run and a few photos and we were off.
 Subway time!  Ryden was just super happy he got to have a metro card.
 Lone subway rider...
 The whole crew sat on one side....I asked one of the boys to sit by me to which they replied, "No thanks".
...so I made Katie take a picture of me being "LO (left out).
Ryden was so sweet to come sit by me after he saw how "sad" I was...
Almost time to get off...Ryden claimed this was his favorite part of the trip so far.  Subway wins!
We made it to the Brooklyn Bridge!
 We started our walk...or getting carried
 Of course, I always need a walking from behind picture.
 Jason asked me to take a picture of him and Trev.  It only took about 30 tries to get a decent picture of the two.
 Once again, I had to take a few pictures of some clothes I got for free to promote the company.  So Trev had to model his Little Banditos shirt on the Brooklyn Bridge for the Fly Little Guy blog. (click on the underlined words to see the store he got the shirt from and the blog post.)
Teresa and the boys
COUSINS!  I sure do love our tour guide...
We finally made it across the bridge (after I made everyone stop every 5 minutes for a picture) and headed to Shake Shack to get some grub.
 Then we decided to take a ferry across the island.  While we waited for it, the boys hung out and climbed on things.
 Those karate lessons sure are working
 If you look closely at this picture, you can see that Ryden's feet are in mid air...
Like father, like son...

 Another cousin picture.
 And a family shot...
Jason was off in the distance talking on his phone.  Katie told me he looked like a Skechers ad and I should take some pics.  So of course, I did...
I should be a model scout :)
 We rode the ferry and Teresa, Jason, and Ryden rode a helicopter around the city..something Jason has been wanting to do for quite some time!  I stayed on solid ground to avoid any air sickness..
  Then, it was time to head back to the hotel and get changed for some dinner.
 Trevin picked out his own outfit and I didn't argue.  As we walked to our dinner destination, I heard several people compliment his outfit.  He is so New York...
And that ends our time in New York.  It was a great trip as usual.  Hopefully, we will make it back next year!