Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ryden turns SIX!

Ever since Ryden turned five, he said he wanted his sixth birthday at Chuck E Cheese.  I figured he would change his mind by the time the day rolled around.  But he sure didn't.  I suggested several other places, but he was adamant....so we headed to Chuck E Cheese.  Jason's awesome friend, John, drew this amazing picture of Ryden for his party favors.  They turned out perfect!  
Chuck E Cheese really is a great place...the kids love all the games..
...and so do the adults
Miss Olivia riding the merry-go-round
Amazed at all of the games...
Trevin hitching a ride on the Jurassic park game with his two besties...Ann-she and Tessa.
The best part was having Auntie and Grandma there!  Auntie came all the way from Texas and Grandma came all the way from Oceanside.  That's almost the same distance when you factor in California traffic :)
Since starting kindergarten, Ryden rarely sees a lot of his old preschool homies...so it was nice to see some familiar faces.
Koa and Ryden
Miles and Ryden
And I hope everyone remembers Ryden's preschool girlfriend...Ava (and a nice photo bomb from Miles)
Go Trev Go!
Go Auntie Go!
Poppin' bubbles
Winnin' prizes
Koa and Ryden enjoying the roller coaster
Oh #TessAndTrev.  They rode this ride about four times in a row.  Again!!
There was a video screen above the ride where you could watch their reactions..
 Hugs for Mama Angie
Trying to pry the kids away from the games to come eat pizza was quite the challenge.  Eventually, we got them all rounded up
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate that Trevin is sitting this close to the cake and it is still in one piece...but of course, he did not take his eyes off of it.
They played some birthday video and all of the kids were intrigued. 
Ryden and Kai.  They met about two weeks earlier at the skate park and became instant friends.
Cool face bro..
 Cake time!!
And then it was time to bring out good ole Mr. Cheese...in the flesh.  So funny that Ryden won't go near the characters at Disneyland but was all about this mouse..
Family photo.  I think this might be our next Christmas card
...and finally...the thing Ryden has been talking about for a whole year and the reason he wanted his party here.  The famous ticket blaster!
 I'd say he had an awesome birthday.  Thank you to everyone who celebrated!