Wednesday, June 17, 2015

New York...Part 4

The next day, it was still rainy but not as cold.  But Ryden was super prepared for anything.  He had two jackets on, a hoodie, a hat, and a scarf.  
 I wasn't at all prepared for the colder weather, so we jumped into Gap so I could buy a sweater.  We also walked out with a pair of green running short for Trevin that would become the staple clothing for the rest of the trip.  I now had the task every morning of trying to get him to dress in something else beside those darn shorts.
Even though it was a little rainy, it wasn't half as bad as the day before.  So, we decided to walk to the Children's Museum instead of taking the bus like we had originally planned.  We stopped along the way for a quick photo opp..
 We made it to the museum and had a grand ol' time exploring everything.
 It was good for the boys to get out some energy since we were stuck inside.  And they were learning stuff at the same time.  Score!
 ..and crawling through the human intestines. 
Trevin's favorite part had to be...of course...the toilet.  With actual poop and pee in it...sick!  He was intrigued for quite some time.
Ryden's favorite part was a stationary bike.  It would tell you how long you had to ride to burn certain calories.  It was rather crappy when it said you had to ride 8 minutes in order to burn off the calories of one bite of pizza....yikes!
 Trevin kept running in and out of this little room.  He liked running through the 'streamer' part at the end.
 We went to the next floor which seemed to be geared more towards Trevin's age.  So, Teresa followed Ryden around while I watched Trev.
 Ryden was interested in a few things but then got a little bored.
 They both played in the pretend Vet's office for quite some time...
 I sat back and watched Trev use his sweet little imagination.  One of my favorite things to do.
 Next floor!  It was such a good thing I had Teresa with me.  Because Trev was interested in totally different things than Ryden.  He spent forever feeding this alligator letters...
 ....while Teresa and Ryden built a whole track for a ball to roll down.
 And then, it was on to the sand play area for Trevin.  Again, I just sat back and watched.  
 Moving on to the third and final floor.  There was another room that was filled with tracks to make a roller coaster for the ball.  Trevin was so into this and with Teresa's help, both boys made a cool course.
 Ryden also really loved this bus/taxi area.  He made up this whole scenario and replayed it over and over again.  He picked up passengers, became a passenger, and then was a taxi driver.  Once again, I found myself sitting back and watching with a smile on my face.  Love when they use their imaginations!   
Trev is a true New York taxi driver...crazy!
 Several days later, we actually got to get a real metro card of our own.  Ryden was so excited since he had pretended to get one at the museum.
 It was about time to go but we headed back to the first floor to check out the human body some more.
 I must say, we had a pretty successful "rainy day schedule" at the museum!  Later on, back at the hotel, Ryden was twirling his hair and I just had to snap a picture of the aftermath....a cool looking heart.
 We were hoping for sunshine in the near future!  But we managed and had a great time despite the rain!