Monday, June 22, 2015

New York...Part 5

It finally stopped raining!  So we decided it would be a perfect time to return to Central Park and maybe hit up an art museum to satisfy Teresa's craving.  On our walk to the park, Trevin just had to pet one of the horses that pulls the carriages.  
 Playground time!!!
 There was nobody else on this slide, so the boys had such a grand time sliding down and climbing up.  I must've taken a gazillon pictures!
 Pure joy!
 Sorry for the overload of slide pictures, but they really did have the best time.  And I had the best time just sitting back and watching them.
 Finally, they were ready to move on.  I get a few clothes for free from a few instagram shops...all I have to do is take pictures of Trevin wearing them.  Sounds like an amazing deal, right?  Well, Trev despises taking pictures and is also very particular about what he wears.  I bribed him by telling him he could change into his running shorts after a few pictures.  Done deal!
 ...and the running shorts for the win!
We headed to another part of the playground and Ryden found this empty bubble jar in the sand.  I kid you not, he brought that thing all the way back to LA.  And he brought his Fire Marshall Bill smile back as well (google it)...  
We continued exploring and decided to ride the carousel again.
 Ryden sat this one out with Grandma but they were the best cheering squad from the sidelines.
 This pic looks like he is screaming with joy...he was actually yelling at me to stop taking pictures.  
Usually, I have native New Yorker Katie with me..and she knows the park like the back of her hand.  But Teresa and I did pretty well on our own.  Once I found this little lake/pond, I kinda knew my way around...or not.
Those running shorts could stand on their own by the end of the trip.  He wore them everyday..(after he wore a normal outfit of my choosing).
I can just hear Trevin's little voice saying "Grandma..hey Grandma...'cuse me Grandma".
Grandma and the boys....
 Showing my love for Bobs...
We continued walking and, surprise, found another playground.
 ...and Ryden still played with his empty bubble jar.
Teresa was dying to hit up an art museum.  I suggested she take Ry and I would stay with Trev.  I was pretty certain he wouldn't be patient enough and I wanted Teresa to take her time.  So, Ryden and and Grandma headed in to look at some art.
Meanwhile, I am always scoping out cool places to take pictures.  I found the perfect little neighborhood street across from the museum.  This time, I had to bribe with a snow's just ice right?  And I got some pretty cute shots of him...
 Annnnd....the running shorts are back on and the snow cone is in hand...
 He walked up and down those stairs several times...even did a few dance moves here and there..
 Ryden and Teresa finished and said they had an awesome time.  Ryden also came out carrying several presents that were purchased at the museum...sucker :)
Time to walk back to the hotel....Trevin had passed out in the stroller and poor Ryden was complaining that his little legs hurt.  So once again, we improvised.  Trevin didn't even bat an eye when we plopped his brother in with him..what a day!