Monday, June 8, 2015

Tour De Pier

Every year, Skechers organizes a "Tour De Pier".  Although it might sound like we are biking from pier to pier, we are actually on stationary bikes in front of the beach.  It is all to raise money for cancer research, so I was happy to participate.  We got the Smith's to join in on the fun as well.  The men went first while the ladies watched the kids.  
 The kids loved watching as well...and also liked hitching a ride.
 The cheering squad...were more interested in climbing on the bars..
Angie and I were up next.  Not to toot our own horns, but we are pretty much pro spinners.  We go once or twice a week at our gym so this was a cake walk for us ;)
 Afterwards, we took the kids over to the mini bikes so they could ride also.
Oh #TessAndTrev
 We even got some swag to take home.  Good thing Trev picked out his special 'workout outfit' to wear.  He fit in perfectly.