Monday, June 15, 2015

New York...Part 3

The next day, we woke up to rain.  Luckily, we brought our umbrellas so we were ready to tackle the day.  We decided that an indoor activity would be best so we chose the library.  A favorite place of mine and Teresa's.  On the walk to the library, it really started pouring, so we ducked into the Disney Store for shelter.  Bad idea.  Trevin picked up this stuffed dalmatian dog and proceed to give me the cutest "please can I have" look.
I gave in and we were stuck with 'Blue' for the rest of the trip.
We headed back to Toys R Us (another poor life choice) to kill some more time while it was pouring.
We left with a light saber toy for Ryden.  Suckers!  We decided to grab a quick lunch before heading to the destination we had planned on.  Teresa and I stumbled upon the best Italian place in the world.  I have since forgotten the name, but we all stuffed our faces!
We finally made it to the library.  Ryden was not thrilled that I made him pose for a picture while it was still raining.  
 We had a grand ol' time reading books and just relaxing.  
 Teresa must've read about a gazillion joke.
 Trevin read a few books to 'Blue' and then got a little bored.
 Grandma to the rescue...she kept Trevin interested and read a gazillion more books.
 I entertained myself quite nicely while Ryden took my picture.
 Blue made a new friend.  Clifford looks like he is doggin' Ryden.
 We walked all the way back to the hotel for some down time (and to let Trevin nap).  When he woke up, we decided to head out to Central Park since the rain had calmed down.  Our hotel room was a few doors down from Teresa's.  Trev would always say "I go to Grandma's by myself!"  So I would tell him her room number and he would stop at each door and read the room number until he found 2631.
 After a quick outfit change by Trevin (because running shorts are sooo New York..and I was tired of arguing), we got our umbrellas and headed out.
There was nobody at Central Park.  Probably because it was rainy and cold and muddy.  But we weren't scared!
 Every time we walked by a tunnel, Teresa would say "I'm not going in there..that is exactly how every episode of Law & Order starts."  So I took her picture and told her to act scared.  Way to commit to the photo!
I must admit..even though it was cold and muddy, it was nice not fighting the crowds.  We ran around and explored.
Ghost town...
These boys hit the swings and had the best time.
 Teresa was so kind to take a picture of me and I had proof I was there.
Since it was such a chilly day, we had been promising the boys hot coco.  So we headed to dinner and were in luck that the restaurant provided us with steaming hot coco with extra whipped cream.  And wine and a martini for the grownup girls.  What a great day despite the weather.  It was actually nice to not be sweating!