Thursday, April 18, 2013

Birthday celebration for Jason

Jason is sure getting old....when I asked what he wanted to do for his bday he said "Chill dinner with the fam and maybe a small hike".  Well that's just what he got.  Teresa came up and stayed with us for the night.  Mexican for dinner...and a few margaritas on the side didn't hurt
Trev was pretty well behaved for Trevin...skateboarded most of the time
And then the cake came...Yum city!
Someone is CITED
The next morning we went on a "hike" which was really just a walk down to the beach.  It was pretty windy and cold but once at the bottom we got to throw some rocks...Ry's heaven
Since that didn't take much time...we headed over to Wilderness Park to feed the fish and wander around.  This park is super awesome.  Feels like camping except the fact that you can see houses at every direction.
Ry said this tree looked like a "knee"
Well...hello there
Turtle mania on a little rock!

How artsy of me
The next night, Auntie and Nick came over and brought cheesecake.  My picture taking skills lacked that night so I don't have any shots of!  But I have a few of Ryden's love for cheesecake
Happy birthday to the best Dada around!!