Monday, April 1, 2013

Ma and Pa visit

I have the greatest parents in the world.  I called my dad up and asked if he wanted to come visit us in Cali...and while he was at it...did he want to babysit the boys while J and I went to Hollywood for the night?  He didn't even hesitate.  Told me to book a flight for him and mom and they would be happy to come out.  I picked them up on a Thursday.  The minute they got in the car Ryden said "Mama...go to Hollywood now!"  Sheesh....
We did a few things before I went crazy in Hollywood...Park...bowling...of course Mom took most of these pics with her new iphone.
Sunbathin' in the suuunnnnn!
Mini-me at the bowling alley
Ry and his new hat
Nice that I only have that one picture of Papa and none of Ahwee...I need to step it up with my picture taking!