Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tucson....Day 1

Jason was in China for work so I decided to head to Tucson for some family time.  Usually, my dad flies to Cali to help me drive the boys down.  Since this was a last minute decision to visit I decided to brave the drive myself.  Trevin, bless his heart, is not the best car traveler.  But he was amazing!  Both boys were perfect the entire 8 hour drive.  I was so proud of them!  When we got to Tucson Ryden was so excited to see his cousins!  Trevin was happy to play in the dirt
Ben was pulling Ryden around singing Jingle Bells...awesome!
I went over to Sara's house the next morning to watch Emma for a little bit.  I feel like we really bonded this trip. Every time we would see her she would yell "Aunt Cody! (me)"  "Ryan!! (Ryden)"  Silence (Trevin).  It made my day each time!
It was pretty hot so we busted out the sprinkles and let the kids run around.  
Sara's house is possibly the coolest house ever!  She has every flippin' toy in the world.  Ryden could spend the entire trip over there.
Making foot prints
Cousin IT
Frisbee head
And Aunt Sara also has tons of the best snacks!
I think Emma liked having "Ryan" to herself.  Not competing with the boy cousins.  
Trevin was kind of the loner which is fine by him
Can't leave without doing a little sidewalk chalk art.  So proud of Ryden...writing his name on his own
After a morning at Aunt Sara's...everyone is wiped out!
That night we went to Ben and Jacob's carnival at their school.  We used to have these when I was in elementary school and I LOVED them!  So I was so excited to take Ryden.  He had a blast playing all of the games
Jacob had a blast playing with his cuz
Whoa...knocked em all down!  Nice!
Fishing time...
Not sure that is the right way to fish Emma
Fishy stickers!
Ryden killed it on the bean bag toss.  Got all but one in...
Ben's art work...
Who can go to a carnival and not get cotton candy?
And who can leave without getting a tattoo?
Twinsie shark tattoos
Just like Daddy.  Shortly after this we had to leave the carnival because Ryden wasn't feeling well.  He told me it was probably because he ate to much cotton candy and not enough dinner.  Smart kid
...just love this pic