Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter weekend Mammoth Style....Day 1

Jason has been itching to go snowboarding one last time before the season ends.  What a coincidence that our new friends go to Mammoth every year for Easter....can we please tag along?  It was a quick little weekend getaway but so much fun!  J got to snowboard for two days and I got to hang out with Courtney and the girls.  Next season I promised J I would learn how to ski (since snowboarding clearly isn't my thing).
The weather was amazing!  Super warm which meant for very little snow (enough on the mountain for J to snowboard which is all he cared about)
Totally bundled the kids up the first day and ended up stripping off all of their clothes once we stepped outside!
There was a gondola that went to the top of the mountain.  Lord have mercy I rode that thing about 600 times...the boys loved it!
We met up with the Shabani girls for lunch.  Little Mila immediately ran over to me.  I felt so special until I realized she just wanted to sit on my lap and love on Trevin
....notice her hand around his neck
After lunch...what else to do but ride the gondola again!
Mila not too impressed...probably cuz she is chained to that stroller
LOVE this pic!
While we were busy riding the gondola all day...J hit the slopes with some of his buds..looks like he had a pretty good time
Back to the hotel for nap time and Trev immediately passed out...must've been the altitude 
Here is another pic I LOVE...the boys hangin' out at our hotel after Trevin woke up from his nap...
 ......more to come