Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tucson....Day 3

Emma got to sing in church so of course we had to go witness this.  She was awesome!  The first song she sorta just sat there but by the second one she was a regular American Idol hopeful!
One of the boys favorite things to do is play bowling on my iphone.  Ry even got Papa to download it on his phone every few hours he would tell me what a great score he just got in bowling.  Trev just liked to watch
Ry is such a great sport with pictures these days.  Usually does any dumb move I tell him to do...
"Act like you just got a strike..."
After church...a lunch time tradition at Swenson's...including a run to the fountain
More iphone play at Papa and Ahwee' Trevin getting super excited for a strawberry
And of course we couldn't be in Tucson without going 'real bowling'.  Trev was pissed that he had to take turns as you can see in the below picture
But baby whisperers came to the rescue.  Wish this pic wasn't blurry!
Bowling time!
Clearly excited about his one pin knock down
Ben and Jacob made these awesome signs.  Anytime someone got a spare or strike they would hold up the sign...notice who never got to hold up a sign? bowler. ever!