Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Easter weekend Mammoth style....Day 2

Today was suppose to be Ryden's big ski day.  We enrolled him in ski school, bundled him in all the gear, took him up the mountain....only for him to throw a mini fit.  He didn't want anything to do with it.  Jason was completely sad but I told him he could have the whole day to snowboard so he was cool with that.  There was hardly any snow on the mountain for the boys to play in...
So after a few gondola rides (ay yi yi), I took the boys to the village.  We walked around and built some castles with the blocks they have set out...
Trevin hard at work....
Ryden's finished castle.....
.....and......Trevin's finished castle
Later on, Court and I met up...They had a little mini celebration in the village complete with music, dancing, and face painting.  I kid you not....Gangham Style came on and Trev busted out the moves!  I tried to film it but of course he didn't do it again.  Instead, I took a pic of Ella the cat
Did I mention how cool this restaurant was?   A sandbox right by our table so the kids can play while the adults enjoy some adult time?
We met up with Daddy after his snowboard run....did a few rail grinds...and then hung by the firepit...fun chill evening
The evening ended with a dip in the pool....then off to bed!
P.S...all of these photos are from our iphones hence the semi low quality.  I totally forgot the good camera!