Thursday, April 11, 2013

Disneyland to pass the time

 Is everyone getting bored of the Disneyland posts?  Too bad!  Because we went again.  It's what I do to pass the time.  And I figure I might as well go as many times now before Ryden is in school and the boys enjoy it so much...ok I do too..
Ry has been super into the Sword in the Stone movie.  Must've watched in a dozen times in AZ so I just had to take a picture of him next to it...
I always like to get to Disney right when it opens because it is a sure bet that the lines will be short.  Case in point...we were the ONLY ones on Small World...kinda creepy if you ask me
We rode a few more rides and posed for some pictures while we waited for our friend Moses to show up

And then some more rides with Moses and Ryden joined at the hip
While on the Buzz ride, it stopped for longer than normal.  Trev took that opportunity to break the rules and stand up
We seemed to have had bad luck that day because we got stuck on Alice in Wonderland.  I'm talkin' lights turned off...not moving...told to stay in our seats and a cast member would be right with us.  I thought it was kinda cool to be escorted out..
Once again...Trev did not stay seated
Playing on the iphone while waiting for someone to get us
I blame everything on the heat.  It was flippin' hot outside and the lines began to grow and grow...not my cup of tea when Disney is crowded!  We rode a few more rides, went to California Adventure, back to Disney, and somehow ended up staying until about 6pm.  I was dunzo!
...and so was Ryden...
P.S....Ry is STILL too short to ride Splash Mountain!  Keep eating those veggies!