Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Easter weekend Mammoth style....Day 3

The day we had to leave we woke up to snow everywhere!  It was beautiful!

We went to breakfast and they sat us by a huge window and we got to watch the snow fall.  It really was the prettiest scenery ever!
We decided to take the bigger gondola up to the top of the huge mountain.  Once again, we all bundled up.  When we got there it was FREEZING!  We walked all the way to buy tickets only to be told the top of the mountain was closed.  We decided to ride the gondola anyways even though it only went part way up...it was so snowy outside and an awesome (but quick) ride.  
Jason kept talking about this waffle place that we had to go to (even though we had just eaten a huge breakfast).  Well....boo....it was closed!  So we had some hot cocoa instead and rode the gondola back down
A few pictures in the blizzard before we headed home
On the drive home, we stopped by a park and let the kids get out some energy.  Just had to take a picture of Ryden's smokin' hot outfit.  Crazy sweat pants and moon boots.  So Napoleon Dynamite...and Trev doing the funky chicken

What a fun trip!  Nice to see some winter weather in March