Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Although we were suppose to go to Vegas, I still had a fun time with my new BFF Courtney in Hollywood.  The girls went up early while the boys were still at work.  Of course, I had to have lunch at the Ivy.  No celebrities but I did enjoy a ridiculously expensive glass of champagne.
It was nice to get dolled up...makeup done and hair did since I always feel a little blah because it's nearly impossible to look fresh faced with two boys to make stylish..
After I got all fancied up, we went back to our hotel bar and had some more champagne by the pool
Jason finally got off work and met us...we changed and went to dinner and hung out at the Skybar...
Such a fun night....Love our new friends!!  Thanks Papa and Ahwee for watching the boys!  It's nice to get away once in awhile but I still missed the boys