Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ry's big break

So Ryden got booked for a photo shoot for Target.  Pretty big deal.  Jason, Ahwee, and Papa drove him to LA only to find out his permit was expired (totally my fault)!  Of course they wouldn't let him take pictures so they came home.  I was a little sad until his agent emailed saying they wanted him on Thursday!  Sweet!!  So we had to scramble around to renew his permit, open a savings account for him, and find a babysitter to watch Trev because siblings aren't allowed to come.  Long story short, Ry and I drove to Zuma beach in Malibu where the photo shoot was taking place.  We waiting around for half the day (which wasn't horrible since we were at the beach). 
I watched as they took several other kids down to the beach to take pictures.  The time kept ticking by with no mention of Ryden.  Finally, they called his name and got him dressed in a dorky bathing suit and hat (this was around 3ish).  They walked him all the way down the beach to the set while I stayed behind (parents weren't allowed). 
About a minute later I see all the kids coming back our way...along with Ryden.  Well, turns out they took him down there for nothing!  They were done for the day.  SERIOUSLY?  We just waiting four stinkin' hours for nothing!  No pictures taken...oh well...at least he got paid for being there but sad he won't be in the Target ads.  Maybe next time.  And he was such a good boy the whole entire time!!